Monday, April 11, 2011

Serving During Lent

During this time as we prepare for Easter let us take a few moments at the end of our days to reflect upon the opportunities that we have had to serve. Certainly, as college students and being able to have the time and ability to give back means that we are blessed in our own lives in a tremendous way. God has called each of us to serve his people through our collective ministry of sandwich making where we come together around the table and break bread in an effort to provide food for the hungry. Some might view our work as "just making sandwiches," however what we are doing when looked upon through a different lens is actually even more! Serving by means of making sandwiches is an act of love and during this time of Lent we are called to share in the Cross and respond to carrying that heavy load. I am sure that each of us has our own burdens our own crosses that we bare daily. Jesus carried the cross, but he did not do it alone! Simon of Cyrene saw the struggling Christ exhausted, beaten down, and on the brink of death while he was on the road to crucifixion at Golgatha. That is right, Jesus needed help carrying the Cross and in that we have a great lesson of service. By serving others through our efforts of sandwich making we help our fellow brothers and sisters of Syracuse to carry their cross, the cross of hunger. Whether we are making the sandwiches, serving at the Samaritan Center, volunteering at the Oxford Street Inn, or giving back in another way, we have the power and ability to make an impact. The cross unfortunately will continue to be present in our world as a result of greed, selfishness, pride, and a lack of love. Therefore, it is up to people like us, the LMC Sandwich makers to serve and provide hope through the bread (food) we provide each week. I urge each of you to think more about the ministry that you take part in, to also think where in my life do I see the face of God each day, and what other places am I being called to serve. After all Jesus did make it to the place of the skull thanks to the help of Simon of Cyrene, he was crucified and did die. Yet, Easter was the third day where he resurrected and this gives us hope for our lives. Let us try to be a beacon of light and of hope for our fellow brothers and sisters. Keep on serving and know that you are the face of God for others every day!

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