During this time of year it is especially important for us all to take time to give back to others. Many of us are incredibly blessed with financial security, a good job, great education, and all of our basic needs. However, there are many who are struggling and during this holiday time could use a helping hand. As people it is our way of caring for others that makes this world a better place. By small acts of kindness and taking some time out of our day to show our love we can make a difference.
Tonight in Foery Hall, here at Le Moyne College, members of the college community have gathered to assemble self care packages for the Homeless of Syracuse. Through the generosity of the Le Moyne community and funding provided by different clubs on campus, we were able to accumulate enough resources to provide 119 self care packages to the homeless at the Oxford Street Inn. Each self care package includes a bar of soap, a tooth brush, tooth paste, deodorant, floss, and is nicely decorated for a personal touch. We also have included some candy and treats as well. It is amazing to see students and some Le Moyne staff come together to join in an effort to serve others. This is a prime example that reflects that Le Moyne cares and that their are students and members of this community who strive daily to live out the Jesuit ideals of faith, service, and leadership.
It is certainly a great blessing to be able to do something so good for so many and we must continue our work by being men and women for others in all we do. Projects such as this one do not cost all that much when people contribute some donations and most importantly their time. By giving back to our fellow people we are able to do something small together that makes a big difference in their lives.
I want to extend my gratitude to everyone who has made this service program "Helping Hands Around the Holidays" a success. It is my hope that each of us will take some time during this Advent season to reflect on our own lives, the service that we do, and what we are being called to do in the future.
May God bless you all and grant you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday season with good tidings and joy!